Wednesday, February 24, 2010


What grounds does the straight man have to sign off on the fate of a gay man? Does the straight man think the gay man is sub-human, deranged and mentally inconsistent so he needs to be decided for?

I Know this has been debated about for ages and ages but i just wanted to get your views, people!


  1. The problem is that we Ugandans have been in a self imposed abyss of ignorance about the gay dispensation as a result of lack of interaction and understanding. This is either as a result of our indifference and in some, damn right hostility towards gays and any discussion of issues related to gays. In that empty vessel of knowledge, Ssempa is trying to paint a picture of demonic ogres from hell, and He's going all out. Now, if I hadn't had any interaction with and prior knowledge of LGBTIs, I might have formed an unflattering image of them. But principally, I wouldn't still support any legislation against them, I am a firm believer, in enhancing and protecting civil liberties of ALL.

  2. I have dealt with this in the past, and here is a summary of my position:'

    Heterosexuals are so because God makes them that way. God makes men men and women women. No one has any say over what they find themselves to be. Isn't it arrogant then for any one to tell me that they are superior to me, or more blessed because they heterosexual; something the did absolutely nothing to become?

    If God created us all in his image, and loves us all, why do we have to be straight to be blessed?

    Do you see now why it is supercilious to argue that gays should be left to do as they please as long as they keep their love private? What entitles a straight person to demand that I keep my love private when he/she is not keeping his private?

  3. Thanks for the comments.
    There could be a clandestine but firm pecking order where things stand. (who knows!?!)
    Like the people in the medieval times frowned upon the lepers, and even had 'leper islands' where they marooned them, that manifests when straight people weave homosexuality on the same mat with the likes of beastiality and defilement. That just tips the cupcake for me!
