Thursday, December 3, 2009

I will miss my friend

My friend leaves early next year for greener pastures elsewhere. As much as i am irate that he is leaving me, i am also happy that he is off to chomp on greener grass elsewhere. I am sure by now he is in another mindplace and kampala is so erstwhile where he is concerned.

He will be remembered for his hilarity, his unusually good command of four different languages (i only know two) his piquant wit, expressiveness, his exceptionally tick albeit markedly personal dress sense and of course his drunkenness.
He is one of my closest friends, and i hope to God that he will never forget me!!!

I will be particularly miss him on friday/saturday nights... out on the town, drinking club after club as if ad obsolētus!, jibe after jibe rejoinder, leering at passers by, scouring the gutters... i could go on...!
i will be quite poingnant the first few weeks after he leaves, so my friends blease bear with me

The world needs more people like him.

1 comment:

  1. With the arrogance and the assurance of a heterosexual peacock and under the assumption(certainty really) that I am the friend in question, may I just say that I am truly, deeply touched. I have had a day from the lower sections of hell,and your post had the effect of a trampoline,I am grinning like a fool now, thank you....
    What strengthened my confidence that I was the said friend, were some key words: drunkenness and gutter scouring,the latter being an activity we practice with GUSTO and RELISH. The pearls we have found.....
    You still have your friends here,how about me, having to socially network from zero,spinning a web of acquaintances that may some day mature into friendships....SOD IT. Face book more like it and our new found passion...Blogging....will keep us cocooned in the illusion of presence.
    Much love and how much can we drink before I leave?...I just ran an arcane algorithm taking into account; volume, alcohol levels, liver function and the will to drink...all. adds up to A LOT.....
    The eclectic Afro Kid
