Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Whew! My password

"I think i have forgotten my password!" I thought despairingly to myself as i typed into my blogs' password box for five times straight and the screen returned the same dull message "Wrong password or email combination"
I looked unbelievingly at the screen, and my thoughts flew straight to the night before, steak-out where i had, out of pure merriment and happiness, imbibed two quarters of Uganda Waragi, a gin famous for causing memory loss, where your brain, out of defiance, decides to wipe itself out, getting an eraser and with a deliberate rejoinder to the alcohol contents making it uneasy, wipes, slowly by slowly, everything, there goes your mother's name. There goes the coordinates to your house. And with it all, goes the password to your blog.
Keeling from the night before, it's decadence and alcoholic marathon, i banged my head against the screen as if to jump-start my brains memory. Brain jams. I bang, brain instead fires back synapses causing a blinding headache.

I thought of the google account i opened when i started the blog, and the same email/password combination to said account matches with blog email/password entry combo, this meant that i could'nt use the helpful line below on the blogger screen that says, with a tinge of amusement "Forgotten your password? click here!"

I decide to wait it out (only option left).

I called a friend who regaled stories of bloggers who frequently complain about their pages getting burgled by hackers, forgodknowswhatreason! Blogger.com does the obvious, locks the account. When the hapless blog owner types in the password the next day, (fresh with ideas and stories to share with the world) blogger.com displays dull page, like a heavy tongue hanging out of a cows mouth, immobile, greyed, useless.
Horrific images flashed through my mind (thats the bargain my brain could give me, horrific images! bad brain!!) upward journey, trudging through blogger with a new account, carefully, painstakingly reconstructing my followers lists, and the fan-base i have been growing steadily (yes! i have a fan-base) and all other things that made my pace quicken out of anticipation of the worst!!

After two hours of bated trepidation, i typed the password into the beckoning box again, and same blank screen countered, winking at me, as if mocking me. I decided to give up and resignedly went away for the weekend.
This morning, HALLELUJAH!!! (Jumping, banshee-screaming, mixture of belief and disbelief in equal prop) typed in the same password and there! I GOT IN!
I wondered to myself, why was blogger.com acting up the other time? Have the website administrators lost their edge? Why did they lock me out of my own bloody account!!! However, the furor in itself was dulled by the sheer happiness that i could, once agin, post normally into my OWN blog!



  1. what a relief! in my case I am trying to balance my new job and blogging, am still to get the right balance.

  2. I know my password in my sleep because I use the same one for virtually everything I do on the internet except my online banking. But I am struggling to make the time to write anything, what with the parties, the treadmill that is America's corporate world and ... more parties. I have three invites this weekend - on Friday, Saturday and Sunday - and I think I might have to cast lots on which ones to skip.

    Living life is such a chore ... sigh ... but someone has to live it.

  3. @Afrogay, the password better not be schlong!!
    Speechless!! The life you're living seems quite acceptable to me, get a hold of yourself! live it more!
