Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Over? Or under 25? That is the Question!!

When does one say it's cross generation?
A friend once posted something on facebook that said, "you know it's cross-generation when you are 40, and you and your partners cumulative age is not over 55.
As funny as this sounds, it sets me thinking.
A fellow blogger posted something about "if over 25, date over 25" (not in those exact words, but that's the crux)
I will argue for and against, for personally, i have been (and still are) confused by this whole dating over or under.

Over 25 has its cons, one; you can 'get' each other, you have both trudged the road, have your experiences tucked under, forgetten all about milk time and gotten down to business.
Thats good in itself, with the right 25 and above.

Everyone longs for another (mature person) who tunes the same wave-length like they do, speaks as well as they do, and gives as well as they take. Not a tick at the side or a moocher who takes selfishly, like some of the younger ones, someone with a JOB, (and i cannot even begin to stress how important that is) can take care of themselves and won't ask for airtime.

If one is mature enough, confident about themselves, goes about their business purposefully, calls you (does not beep) at the right time, looks good enough and swells you up with pride when you introduce him(or her) to your friends, that is good stuff, all good stuff.

However, when they are over 25, alright, but still ask for airtime, drink too much, speak rudely to your friends to a point where you would rather not introduce them, it all becomes an itchy, sob story.
Lately, i have come across 25 and older guys (or girls) who behave like kids, Throwing childish tantrums, farting openly (though that may be attributed to poor upbringing), condescendingly obstinate or plain lazy, i get 'daylights out of me' BORED!

We all get a chance to be young once, but age pulls us in as naturally as it was designed to do. The more we protest, (stay out till late, dress less conservatively, lace our syllables with heavy jargon), the more age manifests, brilliantly, bitterly! The more it shines its torch on us, quietly scorning us, like a harsh, white dentists' light glaring down on mangled teeth, examining, showing lines of festering gums and plaque caught with a coral reef consistency.
The realization that this is a one way traffic route, we reach out for those younger than us to vicariously live through them, experience through them what we missed while we were younger...
We look at their perfect bodies and get pulled back into time when we had perfect bodies, everything in place, not consciously tucked in(or sucked in), unbroken skin, clear open smiles not tainted by life and its cynicisms, exuberance and huge draughts of youthful optimism and determination. We throw all caution to the wind and we take the plunge.

For some, it works out, those who are lucky to get young'uns who, despite the obviously young countenance, think older than they look, will to learn, hold their own in an intellectual fete, and are not GOD FORBID, under 21 years of age!
For others, all hell breaks loose, belongings get stolen, lives robbed, dignities get soiled and blackmail takes its only acceptable direction; young lout meets older, cushier romantic.

Its as old as time itself, this thing, we are only having our go!


  1. I just revisited this subject.

    Under 25s belong with under 25s. Grown-ups need to let children be children ... with children their own age.

    Social and/or anti-social behavior has no age limit, yes, but it is besides the point since you don't have to hang around people whose conduct you don't like.

    But in the latest example of the DC Head (none of the papers have called him up on the borderline pedophilia) who met 18-year olds on a sex line. A 42-year-old man? Psst!

  2. Lol, don't you think 25 is too steep? i can dare say 21-24 is a mature enough age. Dont you think so?

  3. That age no longer makes a difference. Given 1/3 of girls in this country make their sexual debut in their teens . By the time they get to 21 they have attained Ph.D's in dental surgery techniques with a particular predilection for tooth extraction aka "detoothing"...........skills a dental surgery student in med. school would be envious of! And this body of information lasts for on average the whole decade until 30, when for some reason many develop a selective amnesia to the art.
    PS: forgive my heresy I moved to WordPress. A crime I am sure in yonder years would have earned me a date to a free public barbecue at the stake!

  4. On this one I go with Mark Twain:

    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter."

    Those who say it doesn't matter are ones with predilections towards cradle grabbing.

    Sexual relations between men and women are a little different than those between men and men for the simple reason that women grow up under the tutelage of society, with the express purpose of preparing them for the world of being mothers, wives - with the men leading the way. Sounds old fashioned but that is the way it is. In addition, women expect men to look after them so the issues of subservience, use/abuse and/or power dynamics don't come as starkly into the scheme of things.

    A 30+ man dating an 18-year-old girl jars on the sensibilities but it is conceivable that many 18yo girls might be ready to make someone a good wife. Women/girls mature to the roles society expects of them faster than men/boys after all. And even if they haven't matured enough, they can mature under the guidance of a mother, aunt, relative or the care of a man.

    Whether we like it or not, men are men, and so the dynamics of m2m relationships require that both partners are at about the same maturity level in order for the relationship not to be purely one of user and used.

    I don't buy it that there are 18yo boys with the maturity of a 30+yo. I was a teacher for a decade and never saw even one boy who fit this description. And the reason is that there aren't any except in the minds of grown men who, to quote Mark Twain, "don't mind"

  5. Here is yet another man (this one in his 50s) who didn't mind:

    Believe me, he is in deep trouble.
